

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hello guys ! This is my second time I'm doing my blog (first one failed). This blog is all about the days me at home with my beloved parents. Today, I would like to share you guys about my first iftar at home. 

So, let take a look about my menu for today. My mom usually cooks the best when it comes to first iftar. And she decided to cook our family's favourite food which is Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak.

Image result for ikan patin masak tempoyak

Image result for kuih seri muka

Image result for kuih donut

I was born in Pahang and exactly in Temerloh which known as Ikan Patin Town where you can found famous cooking of Ikan Patin. In Temerloh, Go Bang Maju is the best restaurant for this cooking. If you not believed this, come and see (you'll regret if you don't) especially during this Ramadhan. 

On the first iftar, we had ourselves filled with the cookings. And it was so mean. I was so relieved that I can spend time with my family on the first Ramadhan. Alhamdullilah.


  1. Wow! great place with great foods! Looks very delightful! I'll try some in the future

  2. I really love Seri Muka😍 bring some to maktab😂😂😂 JK

  3. I love ikan patin masak tempoyak!! Pls bring to college!!😭

  4. I want that ikan patin !!!!

  5. i was born in pahang too, and ikan patin masak tempoyak will always be my fav so dont forget to bring some for me!

  6. That ikan patin masak tempoyak looks good :)

  7. That dish is soooo my fav!!


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